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Friday, January 15, 2010 @00:22

dear all.. i've created a new blog.. kindly relink me on the following address ya! =)


Wednesday, January 06, 2010 @16:02

i've decided to create a new blog for my future posts.. so this shall be the history, and i promise to update frequently.. haha.. but i've yet to think of a url for the new blog so i can't update now.. will let you guys know the address soon!

Thursday, November 05, 2009 @16:14

for the past few years.. i've been growing and growing.. not vertically but horizontally.. so many clothes i have and i can no longer fit in them.. to make it worse, recently there's this Monopoly Singapore from Mcdonald's.. OMG.. it's a deadly weapon man.. 50k or slim?
i haven't been exercising as well.. went for a run last week, and i can't even last an hour.. this is bad.. real bad..
i think i need to go London Weight Management.. or Mary Chia.. or any slimming centres.. i want to be slim man..

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 @15:50

okay, i'm back blogging! like finally..
trip to Batam is good.. not that fantastic with things to buy, but simply a good place to rest and relax.. i seriously need more travel.. i want to go overseas!!

please bring me overseas again!! i can hear hong kong, australia, thailand.. everywhere's calling me!!

then it's one-day trip to JB! went to Larkin, followed by City Square.. nothing much there as well.. been a long time since i last went there.. nothing much has changed.. only bought few things..

we waited 45 mins for the bus from the bus terminal to Larkin! just spoil my mood lah!
reached there and i was shocked on how Larkin actually looks like.. haha.. wasn't what i had expected..

saw this at Larkin, but doesn't have size and end up buying nothing there..

then it was yana baby's birthday.. it's been real long since i met her lah! supposed to meet her at 1200, then she called me at 1130 and told me that she just woke up! she asked me if i want to meet.. i had no choice, right? things were kinda planned and booked.. haha.. then i told her of course lah! so i asked her what time can she make it.. so we were okay at 1300.. 1315 came and she hasn't reached.. we need to assemble at 1350.. so i called her and she said 1330 she'll reach.. 1345 came but still no sight of her.. -_-'' i panicked lah.. haha.. finally 1350 and we rushed.. this was where i brought her to...

this was our tour guide.. and i must admit, there are many things which i didn't know till he told us (if he's really telling the truth)..

we'll go for this next, okay? date me, date me!!

hope you've enjoyed this short celebration, babe! love you lotzz!! =)

Thursday, July 23, 2009 @22:09

been damn busy these days that i have no time to blog.. my vaio is resting at home for too long.. i need to exercise it.. but till now, i'm still in office.. =(
in the past, i can surf net from day till night.. now, i don't even have time to check my emails at times.. not to mention facebook-ing or blogging.. so sick and tired of this job.. i know i've been saying since.. last year? and still, here i am, stuck in this company, doing the same old thing (or perhaps more thing), with the same pay, no increment nor bonus.. i've yet to write my resume.. i know.. what a great procrastinator i am.. i seriously need to get my butt down and start writing it.. i'm going nowhere over here.. no life.. i need to scout for jobs.. but first.. i need to get my resume done!!!
i need a break.. i want to go on a hoiday.. no.. i want to go on many holidays!! disneyland.. hiking.. everywhere.. i want to go.. but.. how to? no money.. haiz.. but!! i'm going to somewhere near first.. batam!! on 7th august!! finally!! really looking forward to this trip.. and i hope it will turn out nice.. so excited!! heard there's nothing much in batam.. but who cares.. i just want to leave my work and go enjoy!! batam view beach resort.. it looks nice.. it's voted 6 out of 27 hotels in batam.. so i reckon it should be not bad.. http://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotos-g297717-d447157-Batam_View_Beach_Resort-Batam_Riau.html
wanted to try nirwana resort hotel.. looks much nicer, but it's fully booked and it's more expensive.. http://www-singapore.com/nirwana-resort-hotel/photos.htm
whatever it is, i'm going on a trip and i'm so looking forward to it!! =)

i went double o the week before.. and all the seats were reserved, even when we were there like 10+? we tried to do crazy things.. like taking the "reserved" signs away and sitting down one by one.. but when all of us went to sit, we were asked to move.. irritating! then they ordered many drinks.. few kinds of vodka and mixers, 3 tequila shots and 2 tequila pops for each of us, bacardi.. and yes.. i vomited twice.. lol.. got hangover the next day.. it's a terrible feeling i must say.. but still, i had fun!
i want to go butter factory.. i know there's h1n1, but i think it has died down over there.. i heard they play r&b music all day.. though it's more expensive, i think it'll be more fun! and maybe due to h1n1 happened there before, they will give discounts? lol.. i want to go there!!
okay, okay.. back to work and home sweet home!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @23:07

why is it that everytime the same things happen over and over again?
we talk things out,
we promise things,
we do everything we can..
(or perhaps you think i didn't do anything)
we are okay for a moment, but not the next moment..
things are getting more and more out of hand..
we say awful things in a fit of anger..
we shout when we're angry..
we just keep quiet when we're unhappy..
things ain't the same anymore..
how i treat you, you treat me back..
how you treat me, i treat you back..
i don't think things should work this way..

i don't know how long more we can tahan..


been awhile since i blogged, and i'm feeling bored at home..
it's been almost a month since i had an operation on my nose.. it's getting better though at times one side still gets blocked.. i can still remember what did the doctor did when i went..
my grandma, mum, aunt and cousin were to with me.. but when the doctor asked for me, all of them stayed at the reception to wait for me.. the doctor asked my mum if she wants to stay with me, my mum said, 'eeee, don't want.. i don't dare to see..'
first, the doctor injected anesthetics into my nose and let me rest for awhile.. he then came back and told me that he's going to insert some other injections into my nose.. there'll be 3 things that i'll be experiencing.. firstly, my heart will beat very fast.. and gosh.. it did beat damn fast.. i felt damn uncomfortable, as if i was going to die any moment.. noone was there for me and i felt really helpless.. secondly, the thing will make my mouth numb as well, so for the first hour or so, i can't eat.. thirdly, it's very bitter and i will feel it when i swallow my saliva.. and man, its really very bitter..
the doctor was standing in front of my eyes where i can see exactly what he was doing.. the knives, the needles, everything.. i just hoped that i was sleeping or something..
the whole thing didn't take too long.. less than 20mins, i guess.. and i need to wash my nose with syringe with water and some sodium powdery thing.. it tastes very saltish and the feeling was like when you go swimming and water gets into your nose..
been going back for check-up every week.. and i was there alone, again.. last week and today, i don't know what the doctor did that tears just rolled down my eyes.. it was damn painful..
i don't know if my nose will be well from now on, or will there be any chances of relapse.. all i know is i spent 1.6k.. damn it..

Saturday, June 13, 2009 @01:35

i received this email and thought that i'd share with you guys cause i think it somehow shows my thoughts..

Achieving your own happiness is the best measure of how well you are living your life and enjoying your relationships.

Everyone is Different
Happiness in life is like a smorgasbord. If 100 people went to a smorgasbord and each put food on their plate in the quantity and mix that each felt would be most pleasing to him, every plate would be different. Even a husband and wife would go up to the smorgasbord and come back with plates that looked completely different. Happiness is the same way. Everyone requires a particular combination of ingredients to feel the very best about themselves.

Listen to Your Heart
In addition to that; your individual mix is changing continually. If you went to the same smorgasbord every day for a year, you’d probably come back with a different plateful of food each time. Each day, and even each hour can bring a new perspective in defining what it takes to make you happy. Therefore, the only way to judge whether a job, a relationship, or any decision is right for you, it is important that you get in touch with your feelings and listen to your heart.

Be True to Yourself
You are true to yourself only when you follow your inner voice. Ralph Waldo Emerson called this “the still, small voice within." You also only become the very best person you can be when you have the courage and the fortitude to allow your definition of happiness, whatever it may be, to be the guiding light of every part of your life.

There Are No Limits
A very important point on the subject of happiness is whether or not you feel that you "deserve" to be happy. Accept the notion that you deserve all the happiness you can honestly attain through the application of your talents and abilities. The more you like and respect yourself, the more deserving you will feel of the good things in life. And the more deserving you feel, the more likely you will attain and hold on to the happiness you are working toward.

Make Happiness Your Key Measure
Happiness should be the organizing principle of your life. Compare every possible action and decision you make against your standard of happiness to see whether that action would make you happier or unhappier. Soon, you will discover that almost all of the problems in your life come from the choices that you have made, or are currently making that do not contribute to your happiness.

Pay the Price
Needless to say there are countless times when you will have to do the little things that don't make you happy to achieve the larger things that you know will ultimately make you very happy. I call this paying the price of success in advance. You must pay your dues. Sometimes these interim steps don't make you happy directly or immediately, but the happiness you achieve from attaining your goal will be far greater in comparison to the temporary inconveniences and dissatisfactions you have to endure in order to get there.

There are no excuses. You are the master of your future happiness. So be happy, and don’t worry.

is this easy to achieve? why does it seem difficult to me? why can't i be happy? what's wrong with me? why am i feeling the same way most of the time? what decisions should i make in order to be happy?
can someone please enlighten me??


Amanda Lim
11th Nov

the Sun, the Beach
the Fireworks
the Beautiful Night Scenary
the Chocolates
the Ice-Cream
the Fries, the Tidbits
the One Who
Wants to Be Pampered

new digi cam
ipod touch
denim shorts
converse shoes
birkenstock sandals
CKin2U perfume
gucci/LV handbag and wallet
crumpler bag
more adidas stuff
sony vaio c


online shop
xin dua



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