i'm back to upload more pictures from my digital camera.. well.. enjoy them..

this was taken at the third level at vivocity.. clear, right? so proud of my digital camera.. haha..

if it was taken further away, wouldn't this look like a real person in the position to do pull up??

PSP has always been what he'll do ever since he bought it.. am i losing value?? *deep in thoughts*

but, it's okay.. i've my chocolates.. haha..

our trip home after a big shopping trip at Giant..
was on our way to collect the marathon's goodies bag.. felt thirsty and hungry while waiting for
ain, so we ended up at citylink's gelare..

they looked like they were having a good time..

but.. i found out later that
raymond actually rejected her.. haha..

then, she realized that it's better to be with me.. =)

waffle ice-cream, here we come...........
went sentosa the next day..
raymond's friend supposed to come, but it ended up with..

i realized my hair colour's really gone.. will go and colour soon...

look at the weather.. it's a bad sign...

never mind.. enjoy first.. chips, anyone?

well.. i just wanted to take both of us.. then an extra came.. haha..

okay lah.. don't say that i'm bad.. =p
we were waiting for the rain to stop at this shelter, and look at what the two of them were doing..

suddenly, i just wondered how we'll look like if we had the same moustache... *dreams*
went pizza hut with
camy and
cikgu ana.. they treated me!!! hee..

does it look like a nightclub?
cikgu ana.. i see you inside.. haha...
camy.. what's wrong with your skills?? we're disfigured.. jealous of us, right? haha..


i don't know what's wrong with us.. haha..

went to esplanade to watch MI's anklung performance.. and we met
shak there!!!
camy!!! where did you go???

oh.. there you are..

we saw this little gal there.. she was only with a shirt and her pampers.. gosh.. camy and all started to talk to her and i've no idea why she kept clinging onto me.. she would go around telling people to clap their hands when the performance was on.. people even thought that she was my sister.. haha.. when i left for awhile, she even asked for me.. haha.. ain't i likable? =p
and i met few of my friends there..
ika, my netball junior.. when are we having the friendly huh??
collin was there after his work.. he came down to support his friend..
shaiful, my secondary school friend, currently at MI..

it was really a wonderful outing.. i miss all my friends!!